Let’s Play Battlefield 3

Eventhough I was gone for four days during Thanksgiving weekend, I couldn’t wait to get back home and start up this playthrough after having tested it out before I left. I found that the game actually wasn’t that hard on the hardest difficulty, and I ran through it pretty well for the most part. There were a few chokepoints that gave up a bit of a challenge, but nothing too wild for me to handle after a few retries. I really enjoyed this campaign, even if this game was never known for its single player or any of the campaigns, I really do like it. As compared to Call of Duty, the gun sounds and the gun behavior feels really great, and I actually feel like more recent Call of Duty games took to this game to change up their style, because you just feel really powerful when you play Battlefield 3. I can’t wait to jump into Battlefield 4 next, as I’ve never played that campaign before.

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