Let’s Play Return to Grace (100% Achievements Run)

I have to be honest that I didn’t really know what to expect coming into this one, but I found it on the Xbox PC Gamepass and decided to run with it. This isn’t a bad game at all, and I would consider it mostly a walking simulator as the story it tells about humankind, space, new planets and the rise and fall of another community based on AI and technology. It’s got a pretty good story if you sit and listen, but if you are looking for achievements, you won’t have too bad of a time either. You’ll have to make some saves and replay some parts of the game over again for different ending achievements and also make sure you don’t skip any missables, but it isn’t too bad if you are paying attention. Not a bad game overall that I would definitely consider a hidden gem deep inside the Gamepass catalogue right now on the Xbox.

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