Let’s Play Battlefield 4

This isn’t a direct continuation from Battlefield 3, but there is one character that does show up towards the end of the campaign that you might find familiar if you’ve played through the third story before. That shocked me, considering I felt like this was its own independent story from before, which it kind of is. The story involves the Chinese and a military coup attempted to overthrow the president and put the blame on the United States. Somehow the Russians get involved (like they always do) and now we’ve got to help the Chinese take back their country from what’s happening from within. Along the way, we see a lot of death and unfortunate deaths in the story, which was sad but kind of refreshing to see. The campaign was actually quite good, and we did this on the hardest difficulty which didn’t feel hard at all as compared to something like veteran on Call of Duty. I’m already looking forwards to the fifth Battlefield and where the campaign goes on that game!

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