This was one heck of a hard game, probably one of the hardest I did across all of Sonic Week. I can only imagine what it was like trying to beat this game on a set amount of continues and lives, considering how RNG the Sonic ball going all over the place is. Sometimes, it just seemed like the game had it out for you and just wanted to yeet you into the pit no matter what. My biggest complaint on this game is the fact that you really have no idea where to go or what to do. Sometimes, it will give you arrow objectives but doesn’t explain how to get there or what to accomplish. The game’s difficulty can also be brought to question, considering how RNG it felt. This was an interesting game and also a niche, but I feel like it could have been better with more enjoyment added to spinning Sonic around as a pinball in a pinball machine rather than what we got. That’s retro games for you. I managed to make it all the way to the end and finish the game off, obviously with the help of some save states along the way.