2021 was host to the second year that QuakeCon was going to be from home, so we as a community prepared to make the most out of it and had a whole lot of fun gaming across several days, including some co-op fun that I wasn’t even expecting until the very last moment! QuakeCon always comes around each year with its fair share of swag, so I can’t forget to post up all the cool stuff I got this year to celebrate the event from home, including three cases of BAWLS energy drink to cover me probably until QuakeCon 2022 as well!

With the preparations and swag in tow, the livestreaming for the next few days went off great with tons of great games being played across the whole weekend. Games like Phasmophobia, Golf With Your Friends, Tabletop Simulator, Friday the 13th, Dead by Daylight, Minecraft, Fire Pro Wrestling World, Fallout 76, Rocket League, Fortnite and Call of Duty: Black Ops Cold War. Tons of multiplayer action went all around and lots of fun was certainly had, almost as if we were in the BYOC like any other normal year for QuakeCon!

It wasn’t just multiplayer games that got the QuakeCon 2021 treatment, though. We had planned on doing a full run of the original Quake for some time, and it was about time to make that happen while the event was happening. A handful of us got together and played through all of the levels of Quake together utilizing a co-op mod, and it actually ended up being a whole lot of fun! For many, it was their first time even playing Quake, so I was glad to have shared that experience with some friends while QuakeCon was live in 2021!

Not only that, but the decision came very late into the event that since we had beaten the original Quake at QuakeCon 2021, why not try another one of id Software’s greatest hits and let’s break it down and play through some Wolfenstein 3D?! This was also achieved using a great co-op mod and we were able to rip and tear through all of the maze-like levels gunning down nazi’s and their generals to make it to the very end of the game. This was another achievement I am pretty proud of, because it took place (once again) at QuakeCon!

There was another contest going on during QuakeCon, and that involved pets wearing hats! So, I figured what the heck. Why not indulge and have a little fun since we’re all making the most out of the event. I saw a lot of great contestants in the contest, and decided that my Great Pyrenees, “Sarge” would make a great contestant for the event, despite not really being one to wear hats normally! While Sarge didn’t win the contest (it went on to a snake in a birthday hat!), we still had a lot of fun enjoying and celebrating another year of QuakeCon!

So here’s to everybody that celebrated this annual event in their own way or another, and to those who spent it celebrating with me through classic co-op games, fun times had through multiplayer games, and that always juicy QuakeCon Steam Sale for those amazing deals you’ve been waiting for! While it wasn’t spent in person, I’ve been going to QuakeCon for many, many years and I can’t wait to attend in person once again. I hope everybody had a fun and safe QuakeCon 2021 and here’s hoping we’ll meet up next year!
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