Call of Duty: Black Ops Cold War: Escaping the zombies outbreak mode

Here’s the final eleven minutes of ClosingSniper, Cokesodacan and myself escaping from the zombies mode outbreak on Call of Duty: Black Ops Cold War! This was all done through crossplay and Xbox One, and obviously ClosingSniper knew more about what to do than any of us, as we just sat around waiting for something to happen. Once I get a more familiar idea of what I am supposed to do here, I’ll be more productive next time. For starters, this was my first time really playing the mode, so I was surprised that we actually made it out alive. I’m sure the high levels of the other two players helped greatly in this. I plan to play a lot more zombies in the future from past and present Black Ops games, so keep your eyes peeled at the Twitch channel!

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