Let’s Play John Romero’s Sigil II (Doom Wad)

To celebrate the thirtieth anniversary of DOOM, John Romero has cranked out the sequel so his awesome SIGIL that he released a few years back. We play through all nine levels together in cooperative like we did the first time on UV difficulty. I found this set of levels to be a lot better than the original SIGIL, not that there has to be any comparison anyway. This was a lot of fun to do, and I can’t wait to play through these all by myself on UV at some point as well! There were A LOT of cyberdemons in this set of levels, but that’s okay considering it came from one of the co-fathers of DOOM! I also displayed the picture of myself and John Romero meeting at QuakeCon together as well as wearing the SIGIL t-shirt while I play through all of these awesome levels! We did get stuck for a little bit on Fragments of Sanity, but eventually found a way to get through it okay!

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