Let’s Play Kingdom Hearts 1.5 ReMIX

It’s time for the first playthrough of Kingdom Hearts utilizing the 1.5 ReMIX version of the game! Sora attempts to try and find his friends (and King Mickey) as the heartless have taken over and are trying to overrun every world connected in the game! I played this game on pretty much the easiest settings I could find, since the last time I played this game I had a horrible time and found the game to be way too hard. So, we attempted to actually enjoy the story and characters this time around and have a casual experience. Donald is still as useless as ever, and Goofy at least attempts to help out. We take down Malificent and all the other baddies involved in the evil conspiracy and the fourteen versions of the final bosses you have to fight and win the day. I guess now I’m ready for Chain of Memories next, a game which most people do not like.

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