Let’s Play PAYDAY: The Heist

We play through all of the original maps on the original PAYDAY: The Heist on the PC/Steam version of the game! We play through on easy and normal difficulties, and found the game to get really challenging really quickly the further we got into the campaign. It was almost helpful that we switched over to a few AI’s for the later heists, as they did help a bit more in terms of containing the respawning enemies and not having to worry about their health and ammo as much as having real players there. This was a lot of fun, even if the difficulty plateau was really obvious. I believe the game forces you to grind out the earlier heists to unlock better equipment and gear so that you can tackle the later heists, but I could be wrong. Either way, we played through the game that started it all for PAYDAY in cooperative, and next up will be the second game, where there’s a LOT more content and heists to get through. Hopefully the challenge won’t be as apparent in the sequel, but we’ll see! I’m also wearing masks I got from the PAYDAY team during one of my trips to QuakeCon in Dallas, Texas as well throughout the campaign! Lots of fun, even if it was hard!

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