For the first time in my life, finally tackling this game! I have played the original Portal a few times, and even completed it a few years back on Croakitoad’s live Twitch channel, but this was a first ever for me, and I’m glad to say I finally experienced the sequel for the first time! Now I know all about Wheatley, Cave Johnson and how everything comes to an end for the Portal franchise when it comes to the single player story! I thought this game was a lot of fun, and expands on a lot of the stuff you see in the original game. It adds a lot of extra mind bending puzzles that really make you think about the choices you are gonna make, especially when it starts to introduce the ooze towards the end of the game. The storyline is exactly what you’d expect from the universe of Portal! I also played the co-op campaign with Cokesodacan in the other video included here!
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