Let’s Play Alien: Isolation

For the Halloween season, the Croakitoad community came up with a three way tie on which games for me to play, with Alien: Isolation winning the top of the bundle! In this particular playthrough, I play this on the Xbox One version via the disc, and get all 100% achievements along the way! This is done on hard difficulty, no human deaths, no deaths in the game at all and all 100% collectibles in the entire game! This was a lot of fun, and I really only found myself being stuck maybe once or twice in the entire game? I really thought it was going to be a lot harder than this, but it made the overall game and experience a whole lot of fun. I really hope they come out with some kind of sequel for this game, as I’ve been clamoring for it for several years now. Such a great video game, this one!

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