Let’s Play At Dead of Night (Steam)

I can totally see why a TON of people really cherish and adore this game because of everything it does to be unique. I really enjoyed the FMV style gameplay when it comes to the killer, and having him hiding around corners and everything really made him creepy. However, I had a really hard time actually figuring out what I was supposed to do in the beginning of the game. It wasn’t until I realized that you have to literally go scavenging from hotel room to hotel room, finding key items in dresser drawers and chests that allows you to advance the game. If you don’t find these key items around the hotel, then you are stuck and can’t advance the story at all. Once I realized this, I had a lot better time cruising through this one. The finale features you trying to rescue a bunch of friends out of the hotel while the killer is basically right on you the whole time, and I just didn’t have time to deal with that special challenge mode. Kudos to anyone who does, but he is just programmed to be too quick and too annoying for my taste. The game itself is fine once you get over the supreme learning curve that it employs.

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