Let’s Play BACKROOMS INVASION (Steam) (w/ Cokesodacan)

This was a fun little Backrooms Steam indie game I found on sale that I wanted to try out with at least one other person cooperatively, and so we did it together! Coke and I were able to get through the game and finish it, but he kept having issues getting got by the Backrooms monster than I did. I was able to get through all of the levels of the game and escape. I think this game would be a cheap little fun game if you had a bunch of people who had the game and could run around maybe distracting the monster while other people focused on trying to escape each level. Some of the clipping issues were apparent in the game, but didn’t really break the game for us, mostly just visual graphical problems more than anything. Connection problems worked fine. You pretty much get what you pay for on this and it’s cheap fun.

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