Let’s Play Banjo-Kazooie

This was my first time ever playing Banjo-Kazooie, and I was doing it through the Xbox Series X released version of the game. I managed to get all of the achievements on the game for the full gamerscore, which basically meant I 100%’d the game and did everything there was to do. The game wasn’t that bad, and I can see why a ton of people really enjoy this game and still hold it in high regard. I felt like the camera was probably the worst part of the game, but when you are dealing with the N64 era, that’s to be expected. Some of the hitboxes were a little strange, and the timers on some of the runs and things you had to do were a little tight as well, especially for a kids game. Other than that, the soundtrack, environments, characters and even the story were all really good and I enjoyed the sense of adventure and exploration the game had. I’m glad to have finally experienced this game for the first time, and checking out that dreadful engine room that I had heard so much about going into this playthrough!

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