Let’s Play Rule of Rose

One of the highly requested games that I play during October 2023 for Croaktober was Rule of Rose, a classic PS2-era gem that was banned in a few countries for its depiction of children throughout the game. I found the game to be really odd, with a hard to follow storyline until you really read up on what’s going on. For my first time ever playthrough, I found the game to not be really that hard as long as you take the time to use your dog, Brown, to investigate and try and find as many items as you can as you advance through the game. I can see why this game has a cult following like it does, as there’s not really too many games quite like it when it comes to it’s really “far out” story and plot and with most of the characters being children, a lot of them pretty evil little things as well. I was able to unlock almost every costume in the game in this particular playthrough, and I might actually come back and do another run with the squid/octopus costume at a later date just because of how wacky it looks!

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    Let’s Play Resident Evil Gaiden

    We finally play through the Game Boy Color video game that has always eluded me, until now! Leon, Barry & Lucia must escape the cruise ship Starlight while a menacing tyrant chases after them with unique abilities. This game can be pretty tough if you don’t know where to go or what to do

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    Let’s Play Assassin’s Creed Freedom Cry

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    Let’s Play Fears to Fathom (1-3) (Steam)

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