Let’s Play Submerged: Hidden Depths (100% Achievements Run)

I had been waiting a long time to finally get around to playing this, a sequel to the original Submerged which I also really really enjoyed playing. There are a lot of collectibles in this one as well, but the game does it exactly right, pinpointing you in the right direction on where they are on your map and minimap. The graphics are still as good as the original, if not better and the soundtrack is amazing. The story is still a bit left open on how and why we got to this place in time on this planet, but our main character now travels with her brother from ruin to ruin in an effort to collect all of the seeds that have been plugged into electronics and bring them back to the trees to restore nature back to its magnificence. I can’t wait for word about a third game of this series and to play more of this. These are really underrated gems and at the top of my guilty pleasure list when it comes to exploration and beauty.

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