Let’s Play Mad Streets (100% Achievements Run)

Going into this game, I really had no idea what to expect but obviously I figured it was some kind of fighting game. I played this through the Xbox Series X via Gamepass for free after inspecting it for achievements on the TrueAchievement website. The only one you really have to watch for is playing a game to conclusion with three other players (four total) online. Other than that, you can really blast through this game and unlock all of the achievements with pretty much ease. The game itself plays like a fighting version of Fall Guys where your characters just feel like bobbling blobs walking around punching and kicking each other to get special moves that halfway work half of the time. Luckily, the game isn’t too hard and you just button mash to get the best result in my experience here. Not a bad game for a quick and easy completion on gamerscore and can also be mindless fun with friends if you are bored and looking for a quick fix that’s stupid fun.

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